Take It Over Easy is a project situated in Ferguson, Missouri where events in 2014 uncovered societal unrest with regards to violent police officers, racism, and protestation. The project changes the grade of the street in order to allow water to pool during the summer season when one boldly deems to unlock the fountain of water from a fire hydrant. Sturdy benches in the form of beach recliners run along the sidewalk to evoke a leisurely poolside experience. Take It Over Easy questions the efficacy of violence and media and introduces the idea that much can be had through the re-appropriation of city infrastructure. With its alliteration of concrete slugs and palm trees that symmetrically flank a central fire-hydrant, the intervention has a deliberate presence opposite the Ferguson police department. However, the form of Take it Over Easy is made complete as an appendix to nondescript space, where anything can nevertheless happen at any time—where protest can materialize in unexpected ways—signifying the continuity of extraordinary events in the most unremarkable of places.